me?" the common question each of
us asks when faced with unjust hardship and pain.
But she doesn’t ask that question. Why? Because she’s not common. She’s extraordinary.
Resilient. A relentless chaser of dreams. When life doesn’t go her way, she doesn’t give up, victimize herself, throw a pity party, or ask why. She picks herself back up and asks how. “How am I still going to get this dream?”
But she doesn’t ask that question. Why? Because she’s not common. She’s extraordinary.
Resilient. A relentless chaser of dreams. When life doesn’t go her way, she doesn’t give up, victimize herself, throw a pity party, or ask why. She picks herself back up and asks how. “How am I still going to get this dream?”
All her
life, she’s had to fight for dreams and battle for hope. “I am nothing,” she
used to say. So when
she started dreaming about going to college in the States, I didn’t dare stop
her. There were plenty of other voices telling her she was crazy, she’d never
make it, it was a waste of time and money to pursue such an impossible dream.
After two years of working hard in all her studies, SHE GOT ACCEPTED to Viterbo
University in Wisconsin!
What a
beautiful, living, active, vibrant symbol of hope! Imagine how this will touch the
lives of so many girls like her who have also grown up without the ability to
Yet, one hurdle remains. The dollar sign.
Yet, one hurdle remains. The dollar sign.
She is currently working three jobs: a tutor, a nanny, and hand-crafts. She gets paid on average less than $6 a day.
Some have a mentality that goes something like this: They’re from impoverished backgrounds so they don’t need new clothes; hand-me downs are better than nothing. They don’t need several pairs of shoes when one is better than none. They don’t need juice because water is better than nothing. Rice and beans every meal is fine because, well, it’s better than nothing. Used supplies are better than nothing.
Are we really okay with “better than nothing”? When I first started Hosea’s Heart, my friend Musa said to me, “What I like about you is that you treat the girls like they are your own. There are plenty orphanages or volunteers who come and help, but they give just enough. Never stop giving them your best, Kate. Treat them like your own; do for them what you would do for one in America.” Not to make them American, but to make sure they are valued just the same.
Of course, giving the best looks different amidst different needs, depending on our financial support. For example, some months rice and beans is all we have. Other months we have extra donations and can give some away to others in need. One month we had nothing and by God’s grace neighbors came “for no reason” to give us chicken and extra food donations. But I have never forgotten Musa’s words: Why should I treat them different than I would treat my own child?
Some have a mentality that goes something like this: They’re from impoverished backgrounds so they don’t need new clothes; hand-me downs are better than nothing. They don’t need several pairs of shoes when one is better than none. They don’t need juice because water is better than nothing. Rice and beans every meal is fine because, well, it’s better than nothing. Used supplies are better than nothing.
Are we really okay with “better than nothing”? When I first started Hosea’s Heart, my friend Musa said to me, “What I like about you is that you treat the girls like they are your own. There are plenty orphanages or volunteers who come and help, but they give just enough. Never stop giving them your best, Kate. Treat them like your own; do for them what you would do for one in America.” Not to make them American, but to make sure they are valued just the same.
Of course, giving the best looks different amidst different needs, depending on our financial support. For example, some months rice and beans is all we have. Other months we have extra donations and can give some away to others in need. One month we had nothing and by God’s grace neighbors came “for no reason” to give us chicken and extra food donations. But I have never forgotten Musa’s words: Why should I treat them different than I would treat my own child?
If we have the means to
give them our best, why would we do "just enough"?
I want her to have the very best. But this is one thing I cannot offer her. A sponsorship to Viterbo University. I cannot get her there; Hosea’s Heart cannot get her there as we are raising money to build new homes. This is a venture of her own, on her own. So I’m here to support her and to plead with anyone who might be interested that yes this girl is worth investment.
I want her to have the very best. But this is one thing I cannot offer her. A sponsorship to Viterbo University. I cannot get her there; Hosea’s Heart cannot get her there as we are raising money to build new homes. This is a venture of her own, on her own. So I’m here to support her and to plead with anyone who might be interested that yes this girl is worth investment.
Do for her what you would want for your own child. Not left overs, not table scraps, not used merchandise. Not just enough. Sure, $1.60 is better than nothing, but she’s been measured against “nothing” her whole life. What if you gave her your best?
One hand cannot carry her over the waters, but many hands together can be her bridge. Would you be one of these 50? 50 people to give their best. To sponsor her $50/month so that she can finally meet her dream come true this Fall 2017! That’s roughly $1.60 per day. That’s one less coffee, one less soda, one less beer, a size smaller milkshake, or size smaller anything.
If you could give someone your very best, Why not her?
For a tax-deductible, monthly donation, use the Hosea's Heart sponsorship:
For a one-time donation (not tax-deductible), use GoFundMe: