

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Return, Rise, Fight

I’ve been back in Swazi for a full month now. Already so much has happened! I can’t possibly summarize it in writing (nor in my head), so here are the highlights:

1)    It feels like home to me. <3 enough="" o:p="" said.="">

2)    When I returned, my mom graced me with her presence for 10 days. It was so wonderful not traveling alone for once, and it was an immense blessing to have her by my side for my first 10 days back. I think I only washed one dish the whole time she was here with me, and I didn’t have to wash or hang or fold any laundry of mine, Benji’s or Lucia’s. Oh, that was such a treat! She jumped right in to ministry and was such a champ staying up late and running around on crazy errands or last minute urgencies that ministry demands of me. I’m amazed at her strength and grace. Thank you, Mom!

3)    Two of my friends, Kirsten and Ryan, were in Swaziland while I was in the States. They helped take over my homeschooling of two high school girls. Ryan is a math teacher in the States, and the girls were amazed at everything he taught them. One of the girls told them both that they were the first people to show her that she could understand and even ENJOY math and that they helped her discover “the hero inside.” It was a gift to have friends join me on this side of the world! 

4)    The summer ambassador team was also here during the time that I was in the States, and they were an AMAZING group of young women! Kiley, a previous intern, returned to lead the team and one of the team members was an old student of mine, Liesl! Oh, what a joy! It was amazing to see the way Liesl so easily fit into life here. She even befriended one of the girls who is very apathetic and likes to keep volunteers at a distance; but she couldn’t resist sweet Liesl. Being with Kiley again was bittersweet. It was almost a tease, as it brought back incredible memories of our times together a year ago. It’s hard to explain, but life felt fuller with her here. It was hard to see another friend leave.

5)     I recently played in a basketball tournament in South Africa! My basketball team is phenomenal. They know how to work hard and play hard. They are full of laughs and hugs; they never make me feel like the odd one out. I am forever grateful for God’s gift of basketball and for this amazing team I get to be a part of.

6)    Ali and Tara, our two Project Trust volunteers who were here all year, said their goodbyes this week. There were many, many hard goodbyes, as Ali and Tara were sister-like figures the girls desperately needed this year. We had to homeschool a few of our primary level girls for different reasons with the hope that they could go back to school next year. Ali and Tara took the lead in teaching the primary-level students while I did the high school. Two of the girls were not happy that they had to be homeschooled this year. However, it’s these exact two that verbalized just last week that they prefer to stay in homeschool because they learned so much more in one year than they have in several years at regular school. Also, our 15-year-old who couldn’t read now reads aloud during bible study! We will all greatly miss Ali and Tara.

7)    Our growing team! Lora, our new intern, arrived in Swazi while I was in the States. So I had the divine pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her this past month. Rachel Palmberg, who was our intern last year opted to stay with us for the next year as well! I am so thrilled to have them both onsite. We await another intern, Alyssa, who arrives next week, AND we get to add a fifth member to the team in October when Brittine returns to be our house sister! Wow! Five years ago… FIVE years ago I said a prayer—okay, actually, I was somewhat angrily scribbling out my frustrations to God in my journal—and I asked, “Where is the TEAM? I feel like you are calling me to an impossible task, because I cannot do this alone. I need a team!” Little did I know God was well-prepared for what I needed before I even said it. Over these past years, God has built an incredible base team in the States and is now building an incredible onsite team as well, which also includes an American family, the MacLellan’s who volunteer their time and energy and wisdom and love to pour into our ministry.

8)    Lastly, we celebrated umtfwana wami’s birthday today! While writing her a birthday letter, it occurred to me that at this exact time, on her birthday one year ago, she was still in the streets (by her choice), but God was about to bring her home. Over the course of seven years, she had proven true what many people had originally told me, “Once a prostitute, always a prostitute,” “Don’t exhaust yourself on one person,” “She’s not worth it,” “She’ll keep running away.” She did all those things. But the Voice of Truth still won me over. The voice that says, “The Lord sets prisoners free” (Psalm 146:7), and “Return to the Lord…I will heal their defection, I will love [her] freely…[she] will blossom like the lily,” (Hosea 14:2,5-6) and lastly:   

What man among you having one hundred sheep and losing ONE of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost ONE until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ In just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over ONE sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. (Luke 15:2-7)

Indeed she had returned! She had been found and redeemed and restored. She had been set upon His shoulders and then mine with great joy, and it still brings me to tears. One year ago. In September of last year, she returned for good. I’ve never spent this much time with her before, because when faced with the fight or flight in the past, she always chose flight. But not anymore. She’s here to stay, she’s here to fight. Actually, while I was in the States I had a vision of her. She was crumpled down in the middle of a battlefield, her head huddled to her knees, her knees on the ground. An angel came to her and lifted up her chin. “Rise, child, and fight,” he told her. That was the end of the vision. But its meaning is everlasting. It’s her time. She’s no longer the wounded one on the battlefield, the one without hope, the one left for abuse. She’s now the fighter, the one called to heal others, to mend, to give. And she has! With a recent job she got as a cook, she’s been saving money from her job and giving it to people in need. It’s incredible to watch the way that Grace has changed this girl’s life from the inside out in the most magnificent, yet simple ways. Oh, indeed, we have MUCH to celebrate on her birthday! A day that once brought pain and anger, as she was rejected by her birth mother, but now a day we celebrate because even so God CHOSE her. And God somehow chose me to pursue her. I’m not deserving of this life-altering journey He has called me to nor am I equipped on my own, yet still He calls to me, he calls to you: "Rise, child, and fight." It's time. 

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